Celebrating one of my best friends birthday in Joshua Tree was more fun and memorable than we even imagined.(just now getting around to posting all the fun pics). She began planning this party months ago, which included 25 of her closest friends and family who flew from all over the country to attend. Being the attention to detail/amazing stylist she is, everything was so perfectly organized. From the special vodka drink mason jars with each guests name to welcome us...to the party decorations, the movie projector playing old westerns for atmosphere, the rustic cabin lodging, the fire pit where we gathered, our friends amazing band that came from LA to play privately for us, the dance party, catered BBQ, the local favorite Pappy & Harriets for after partying & pool, target shooting into wide open spaces, and laughing nonstop with an awesome group of people....things couldn't have run smoother.
Everyone that came was so enthusiastic...lots of cowboy boots, cowboy hats, ponchos, fringe and feathers - full on honky-tonk mode not even letting the near freezing weather effect us!