Saturday, May 13, 2017


When the sun shines through the weeping willow trees forming a perfect heart at rehearsal the night before your wedding day's more than just a good sign!! Our Friday night welcome party, Fiesta De Amore, fell on Cinco De Mayo....what other than tacos and margaritas? Perhaps a Burro, named Mija, with Mexican beers loaded in her satchel / wearing a flower crown. Our friends came in from all over the country and made the trek to Sedona, AZ to be there with us this most special weekend. We couldn't wait to get the party started in the 'Barn' set up at Dancing Apache Ranch - everyone in festive & colorful attire - playlist songs including Tom Petty's 'Rebels', among some good country tunes by Willie and the boys! Perfect night with our favorite people....excitement and anticipation of the next day - the big day - to come. 



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